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Starting a Promotional Products Distributorship: Here's what Distributors First Provides...


Ready to learn more? Explore the site for the full story. Then let's talk. Give me a call or connect via one of my contact forms. Thanks - Vince

You are here because...
  • You are an entrepreneur and would love to start your own promotional products business.

  • You own a company with business clients & customers and you want to expand by providing promotional products to your clientele to increase your services and capture more revenue and profits.

Congratulations! You’ve come to the right place!

  • The "Old Way"

    Impossible Membership Requirements to meet
    ANNUAL FEES for Membership & Research / Website Subscriptions
    Securing Competent Support for your business
    High costs of Franchises & Business Opportunities

    Left to your own devices the traditional ways of starting a distributorship are encumbered with tremendous expense.

    What you don't know...can and will hurt you.


    Franchises: Costs 10's of thousands of dollars, royalties & more.

    Business Opportunites: Usually come with printing equipment, inventory, overhead & more. Some require shared profits.

    Dealerships: Half of the profits go to your sponsoring distributor...forever. You are paid commissions. A dealership actually costs more than the two lost profits.

    Then, there's the industry itself:

    The promotional products industry has a million moving parts: Suppliers, Products, Vendors, Service Providers, Teachers, Trainers. How do you connect the dots? Who do you know? Who do you trust?

    The industry also has some peculiar rules, too.

    You cannot become a distributor just because you want to.

    The promotional products industry utilizes a "closed distribution system" that requires proof that you are already selling promotional products as a distributor in order to become a promotional products distributor.

    If you can’t provide their proof requirements (multiple invoices in multiple client names, a history of working with suppliers, etc.) you won’t be "QUALIFIED" to be a distributor.

    It’s a true

    If you do it right, you will build a successful business. If you do it wrong, you will experience frustration and regrets. You can be certain that...

    "If there's time enough to do it wrong...there's time enough to do it right!


  • The "New Way"

    The Distributors First Gateway for Independent Distributors
    *eCommerced enabled Website(s) showcasing thousands of products - provided for FREE
    *Technology Platform that includes your research software and eCommerce enabled website(s) - provided for FREE

    Why use the OLD industry business model....

    Option 1: Buy an industry franchise ($35,000+) and pay royalties of 10% on average on your gross sales....
    And renew your membership & tech subscriptions every year to the tune of $1,000 to $2,000 each year.


    Option 2: Buy a business opportunity, ie., screen printers, pad printers, embroidery systems (tens of thousands of dollars invested in equipment & overhead) and still renew your industry memberships and tech subscription fees each year to the tune of $1,000 to $2,000 each year.


    Option 3: Become a dealer for a distributor for little more than your time invested, but give up literally half of your profits to the distributor you are working for, while losing ownership in your client records.

    Dealers are NOT distributors.

    Distributors are always the owner of record for client orders. You have no industry fees as a dealer, but if your sales generated $40,000 in gross profits each lose $20,000 to the distributor you work for every year. NOT a good choice.


    Choose the new "Independent Distributor" Business Model...

    Choose Distributors First. Let my 22+years industry experience help you do this...the right way.

    Our motto is summed up in our name: Distributors First ~ "Where distributors come...first!" Our goal is to help you successfully create your new business or new revenue stream for your "B2B" company.

    At the outset, I have already saved you over $1,000 to $2,000 in your 1st year membership & subscription fees.

    Over the next 5 years you will have saved over $7,500 more in "renewal fees"... Because you chose Distributors First.

    With Distributors First, you will have a "state-of-the-art" technology platform for your research and public facing website, provided for FREE...and a support mechanism to help you grow your own successful "Lifetime Business".

  • What does the Money look like?

    *One-Time "Connection" Investment
    *Average Profits? 40% +/-
    *Average Orders? $800 to $1,200 per order
    *Repeat Business - Clients order 2 to 6 times per year on average
    *Part-time Income? A couple thousand $$/mo.
    *Full-time Income? 5 to 6 figure income/year
    *100% of the profits are yours...

    Any discussion of "how much money" you can make is only a discussion of possibilities, of averages, of effort spent in building a business.

    There are no guarantees. If you work and apply youself, you really can make full-time income in your part-time business. Only you can determine the answer to the question of how much.

    If you want a couple thousand dollars a's here for you. If you want more, that's here for you, too.

    No royalties. No profit-splits.

    For the B2B company investigating this, you already know the majority of your business clients buy promotional products, from somebody else. That's why you are trying to plug the leak.

    If your clients only knew they could buy their promotional products from you...they would. Problem solved. Win-Win. Your business revenues and profits are increasing!

    Whether you are a start-up entrepreneur or a seasoned business veteran, every day you are losing money and opportuntiy if you are not in this business.

    There has NEVER been a more powerful or profitable entry point for new distributors than the Distributors First Gateway.

    If you are sincere in your investigation, explore this website. Read every word. Don't let what you don't know or what you think you know, prevent you from learning more about how this industry really works.

    And then, let's connect so we can get you on your way to a great income and a great lifestyle.

    Your "ROI" can literally happen in as few as 4 or 5 orders!

    It could easily happen with one or two orders!

    When you achieve a complete "ROI" your risks for starting your business are over!

    10 days from when you read this, you could be fully engaged in your new "lifetime" venture.

  • <span style="color:rgba(193, 0, 0, 1)">Why Distributors First?</span>
    Why Distributors First?

    Because... You found us.
    Because... You need to know what I know.
    Because... You need to be connected.
    The most important person in the promotional products industry IS the distributor, and the most important concern for the the client.
    Distributors First serves these needs above all others!

    bottom line?


    Distributors First is THAT connecting point for new, independent distributors.

    Distributors First is the "inside track"...with acquired knowledge from over 22+ years helping new distributors get their start in the industry. That's what Distributors First provides...KNOWLEDGE & EXPERTISE that you need for accelerated success.

    Our "gateway" completely eliminates all the annual membership dues and technology subscriptions.

    Our "gateway" profides powerful presentation & tech tools for your success...FREE of cost to you.

    Distributors First is the ONLY gateway that does this.

    The Distributors First program will connect you to literally HUNDREDS of the leading suppliers in the industry, with a powerful research platform, offering well over 400,000 promotional products in every branding category that businesses need and want.

    In addition to your industry & research connections, provided for free, we will provide you with UNLIMITED phone, text & email coaching support for your business. When you have a question, can't find the answer, need some direction, need some encouragement...

    You call Distributors First.

    No "MLM" here. No "affilliate marketing" here. No "Dealerships" here.

    Just a real business ~ with real customers who buy promotional products multiple times every year. Your goals for your business become our goals for your business. We are on the same team.

    Our knowledge and exptertise becomes your knowledge and expertise. We are on the same team.

    No royalties, no profit-splitting, ever. Meaning all the profits are yours.

    All the customers are yours. Shared with no one!

    You supply your commitment, whether part-time or full-time to build a successful business, and we will be by your side every step of the way!

    Is there an investment for the Distributors First program?

    Of course there is...but not much in the real world of buying or starting a business..

    Distributors First brings decades of expertise, resources and insider’s knowledge to your table to help you build a successful business.

    Your investment for "connection" through the Distributors First program is a nominal, "one-time investment" ($1,897.00) for helping you establish a permanent, life-time business. [And financing is available.]

    For less than the cost of a one-week vacation!

    That's why you need
    Distributors First!

Distributors First: The New Promotional Products Platform
The "truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth", about starting your own, independent promotional products business.

You came here with questions, looking for answers. Every voice you hear tells you their story. My voice echos your story.

Distributors First means just that...distributors... first.

Isn’t it nice to know that there is someone out there willing to take this journey with you step-by-step?

Lamp Magic
Your Tool Box
What's included:

  • Making money selling promotional products.
    All of our connections are your connections. All of our expertise is available to you though our coaching & support, via UNLIMITED phone calls, texts or emails
  • Making money selling promotional products.
    No Industry Memberships (ASI or PPAI/SAGE) No ASI or SAGE Technology Subscriptions
  • Making money selling promotional products.
    Industry Research Tools: Search Engine, Presentation Software, CRM - Order Management, Artwork & Proof Management Included
  • Making money selling promotional products.
    PromoEQP: 3-month FREE Trial: Experience "Preferred EQP Pricing" from 100’s of tier-one suppliers, with tens of thousands of promotional products. Compete with BIG online distributors
  • Making money selling promotional products.
    E-Commerce enabled website (your URL) Hosting free. Multiple sites - hosted for free.Custom Presentation tools for every customer
  • Making money selling promotional products.
    Marketing & Coaching Support provided by Distributors First & industry partners
  • Making money selling promotional products.
    Unlimited Technical Support for your suite of website & tech tools
    Extensive on-demand training videos & supplier-hosted marketing & training webinars

The rest of the story...
Quick Quick Questions

    • TOTAL Independence / TOTAL Freedom / TOTAL Ownership / A SUCCESSFUL business that is totally yours
    • Vacations, College Educations for your Children, Retirement, Pay off your Mortgage, Get out of Debt, Buy a New Car...
    • PART-TIME or FULL-TIME / Make "FIVE-FIGURE" or "SIX-FIGURE" incomes evey year
    • NO ROYALTIES on your sales
    • B2B - Significantly increased gross revenues, more PROFITS, from servicing your existing business clientele
    • 100% of all generated profits are YOURS
    • No ANNUAL FEES for Memberships or Technology Subscriptions (Savings of up to $2,000 every year)
    • You NEVER pay Distributors First again – no royalties – our enrollment is a one-time investment
  • Simple answer...not much. A reasonable, one-time enrollment for your independent connection to this new distributor gateway and for all of our unlimited coaching & support. That's it!

    Not another dime for industry memberships or industry technology platforms. Not another dime! This alone will save you as much as $1,000 per year to $2,000 per year or more - every year - just in "industry" fees!

    Our complete, independent platform enrollment is just $1,897.00. Period. End of story. Not another dime.

    For less than the cost of a one-week vacation!

  • Average size order is $1,000.00 ($400 profit for you)

    Average profits on sales - 40%

    Part-time income - couple of thousand $$$ per month +/-

    Average annual distributor sales three years in = $400,000+ per year -
    $150,000 - $160,000 annual distributor profits

    90% of clients become repeat buyers

    Clients buy on average 2 to 6 times year

    It's a 24-billion-dollar industry

  • Say you sell $100,000 worth of promotional products each year...many distributors do just that and more.

    Average Profit of 40% = $40,000 gross profit to your business ($3,000 +/- per month).

    5 & 6 Figure incomes in the Ad Specialties and Promotional Products industry is the "norm" for distributors.

    The largest distributors in the industry sell MILLIONS of DOLLARS per year.

    I prefer to be conservative when discussing your income potential. Anyone can punch in HUGE numbers on a computer! I choose not to.

    So let me reduce this to the ridiculous. It will only take 4 average client orders to completely pay for and establish your new LIFETIME business!

    A 100% "ROI" could be yours in a matter days...not weeks, months or years! It could even happen with just one sale!

    Like I said before..."less than the cost of a one-week vacation" for a lifetime business...

  • Yes. Basically the terms are half-down and the balance over 10 - 12 months at 0% interest. If you need some help, we should explore your options.

  • Pick up the phone and give me a call. Let’s get all your questions answered. We can have your business solidly in place, “shingle hung” on your door in as little as 10 - 14 days. Then the excitement begins.

Bottom Line?

You need Distributors First. You need our connections and our support. Anything less than our new gateway is a variation on the theme of the "old industry-based membership & subscription fees business model".

Distributors First is the shortest distance between where you are now and where you want to be, whether you are an entrepreneur or an established B2B company.

No more excusess. No more reasons to delay. If you're serious...we're serious, too.

We are on the sidelines of your business, helping you achieve your goals...which is what you were hoping for when you first reached out.

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