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Craig G.

I found Disributors First and Vince Whaley back in 2010.

I was a casualty of the corporate downsizing in the woodworking industry and I remember thinking, now what…? I was surfing the web for job ideas because I wanted to do something on my own that was new and fresh to me.

I had many of my friends tell me, “You need to get into sales”. But what was I going to sell? While doing my civic duty on the local fire department, (10 years) I was in charge of new t-shirts for all the guys. While doing this task, it occurred to me, “Hey, maybe I should look into this type of work”…and so it began.

I found Distributors First on the internet. I wrote down many questions and had many concerns. A few days later I was able to speak with Vince on the phone. We went over all my questions and concerns. To this day there are two things that really stand out to me from our first conversation that lasted almost an hour and a half. First, he said, “Craig I can help you change your year into a positive one.” (Which he did.)

Second, “This business can be profitable and fun and also give you some freedoms”. It most certainly has. Vince and I spoke three times before I decided this is what I was going to do. I did my research. I read everything he provided and everything I could find, and I can honestly say that everything Vince said was true. His word is good and he did not over promise anything to me.

My business has grown steadily every year. Growing profits. Repeat customers. My expections have been met, and then some.

It is really exciting how we can help other businesses grow by being creative with their ideas and the products they choose, to brand their companies better.

The investment has paid off in spades…and I am living the life I have always wanted to live!

I couldn't recommend Vince and Distributors First more highly. He does what he says he will do. And the financial rewards allow me to attend a couple of Pittsburgh Steelers games every year…and then some!

Distributors First was a great decision for me and my family!

How to start a distributorship.